It's a shorter list than last year, but many of those suggestions are still valid, so check that list out too. And now, in no particular order:
For the serious dinosaur enthusiast who has good grasp of anatomical terminology, the second edition of The Dinosauria is the book for them. No colour pictures but it is the definitive word on the subject as of a few years ago. Bright, young, hope-to-be palaeontologists might like to have if on their shelf as well.
St. John is still considered to be the quintessential painter for the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Prehistoric critters turn up in many of his paintings.Like This? Then you’ll like this.
A good book made great by Doug Henderson's drawings. Like This? Then you’ll like this.
Encyclopedia Prehistorica By Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart. These three pop-up books are now available in a designer ‘shipping box’. If you’ve not picked them up yet this will make a great gift for yourself.
Don’t let the 1950’s cover homage throw you off. This new book focus’s on Bill’s most recent museum mural paintings. Like this? Then you’ll like this.
By John Pattona and Lita Judge. Lita is a former Centrosaurus bone bed volunteer who has made quite a name for herself as an artist.

By Alan Turner and Mauricio Anton. Like This? Then you’ll like this.

By Dennis Nolan – for all the kids

Papo dinosaurs. This toy company from France has a small, but well done, line of dinosaurs. Most better museums and toy stores have them in stock. I bought mine at the ROM in Toronto. Like This? Then you’ll like this.
Movie and EBay are good places to pick up both original and reproduction movie posters. Like This? Then you’ll like this.
By Neil Shubin. Perhaps the best reviewed science book of the year. Definitely worth a read, but this book by Carl Zimmer still holds up.
Probably my favourite book of the year - at least the one I've been waiting the longest for! I'll have a review of it up soon. Like This? Then you’ll like this.
Mark Schultz returns to Xenozoic Tales with this fine print from Flesk Publications. Get it Here
Remember that Mark has a new colour dinosaur print available exclusively from the Palaeoblog. For more info go to this previous posting.
Why not pick up an out of print classic for the palaeo-historian on your list? If you don't have a bricks and mortar store nearby then an on-line dealer like can help you out.
Thomas Huxley, 'nuff said. One of the four people from the past that I'd have at my imaginary dinner party. Like This? Then you’ll like this.
Written by Robert Kanigher, Art by Ross Andru & Mike Esposito.
Over 500 pages of classic adventures are included in this value-priced volume collecting one of the most unusual series ever from DC Comics. Soldiers vs. dinosaurs -- what's not to love? Like This? Then you’ll like this.Take your family to your local museum. Better yet, buy them a membership.
One of the first and still the best recounting of the history of the Earth in cartoon format. Still relevant and fun after all these years. Like This? Then you’ll like this.
-- the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (publishes the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology quarterly)
- The Palaeontological Society (US) (publishes the Journal of Paleontology monthly)
- The Palaeontological Association (UK) (publishes Palaeontology monthly)
Each membership includes a one year subscription to the society’s professional journal. It’s a great gift for a young professional who might not have the money in hand to sign themselves up, or for a high school student looking to study palaeontology at university.
Finally, (I’m allowed one plug for myself), join me for two weeks digging up dinosaurs in the Gobi Desert next August. Details at Nomadic Expeditions