Andrew Gillis, an M.Sc. student from the University of Bristol will be giving an informal 'Brown Bag Lunch' talk in Classroom 'C' at noon. Andrew's talk will be:
The Evolution of Tooth Enameloid Microstructure Across Shark Phylogeny, or, How To Prevent Chipped Teeth!
April 7th, 2005:
The Northern Ohio Geological Society (NOGS) will be having their April meeting next Thursday, April 7th at 8:00 PM in the Rare Book Room of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. The speaker will be Dr. Darin Croft, whose talk is entitled:
"Chilean fossil mammals from localities most people wouldn't bother to look at"

Dr. Croft is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anatomy at Case Western Reserve University, and a Research Associate with both the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and The Field Museum.
Prior to the talk there will be an informal dinner at Mi Pueblo Restaurant (11611 Euclid Ave.). If you are interested in coming to dinner, call Matt Hammer at 330-405-5173 or e-mail him at before April 4th.
If you're just interested in attending the lecture, just tell the front desk you are going to the NOGS meeting when you enter the museum. There is another event that night, so parking around the museum may be tight.
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is located at 1 Wade Oval Drive, University Circle. The Musuem is open Monday through Saturday, 10am to 5pm; Wednesday 10am-10pm, and Sunday noon to 5pm. Call 216-231-4600 ot visit for more information.