creator of TYRANT(R) (below) and many other cool books.

Art (c) Steve Bissette
Steve will be teaching at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont, beginning this fall.
“This feels right, given the fact that my comics career began as a first-year student in the first class ever of a great experiment in comics learning, The Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art, Inc. in Dover, NJ. I graduated from the Kubert School in 1978, and owe my career to Joe and the school. Now I’ll be on the other end of the classroom, teaching the first class ever at a great new experiment in comics learning, the Center for Cartoon Studies. The first-year lineup of students is nearly filled to capacity. We’ll be savoring our first-ever summer workshop session, June 27th to July 1st, which promises to be an intense five-day whirlwind of creativity."Also: Pick up Steve’s latest book, Green Mountain Cinema I: Green Mountain Boys, by clicking here
Get more info about the workshop here. I'm sure more than a few dinosaurs will be drawn during the week!
And: Don't forget that Steve's first installment on the history of dinosaurs in comic books starts on the Palaeoblog this Friday.