Apparently next week will see the publication of, Darwin: A Graphic Biography, the latest 100-page comic book from Eugene Byrne and Simon Gurr. link
From Darwin 200:
“A comic history of Darwin and the Beagle voyage has been commissioned by the Bristol Cultural Development Partnership.Hey, here’s a thought; since the 2009 annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology is being held in Bristol this year, perhaps the Host Committee could arrange for the registrants to get a copy in their registration packages. Someone should mention this to Mike Benton.
Simon Gurr and Eugene Byrne are writing and illustrating a biography of Charles Darwin in comic form. The book will convey the essence of Darwin's life and legacy in an accessible style.
The comic book will cover Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, his subsequent studies, the publication of On the Origin of Species and the public reaction to it at the time. The book will also refer to contemporary controversies such as genetic engineering and intelligent design.
The illustrator and writer have worked on several other publications, including a graphic biography of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and a history of Bristol in comic form.
200,000 copies of Darwin: a graphic biography will be published in 2009, to mark Darwin's 200th birthday. It will be distributed free of charge.”