Starting our work. One of the goals of this project is to raise awareness for the devastating poaching that is destroying many of Mongolia's most important fossil sites. You'll be hearing more about this from me in the future.

Each year at this time I've had the pleasure of working with the Korea-Mongolia International Dinosaur Project. This year I opted out to take the Montessori High School at University Circle to the Gobi. However, we did meet up with Phil Currie (above), Eva Kopplehus, Dave Eberth and Derek Larson who are working with the KID group. They had driven down from Bugen Tsav where the rest of the team is to work at Ultan Ula I-III for a couple of days. We spent a morning togather in The Dragon's Tomb.

Eva and Dr. Evans.

A poached tail.

Lunch break.
Caleb Brown, Emma, Chris Kjaer (the Montessori principal), Kelly and Maria prepare to jacket & salvage a poached Saurolophus skull...

Only to discovery that the bag of 'plaster' that we brought out was actually a bag of chlorine bleach!

Hiking back from where Dr. Badamgarov and Evans found...

a therizinosaur; here's the giant claw of this weird dino.

Maria and Nick prepare the small theropod from the Nemegt basin.