Along with a teaser trailer for the upcoming Peter Jackson film, there's now a full trailer as well, available in Kong-sized HD format at Apple's website. Lots of great new shots of the 'Eighth Wonder of the World' battling dinosaurs, saving the damsel in distress, and defending himself atop the Empire State Building!

You'll probably notice that Kong himself has been modified from the first teaser trailer. Previously he had a 'snaggletooth' which is nearly gone now, and he seems to have more wrinkles in his face, conveying a greater age. I think the alterations work quite well and King Kong should endear himself to many moviegoers.
Also available is 'A Look Inside' which talks about Jackson's fascination with bringing the big beast back to life. It's a short mini-doc/promotionl piece, but it has some additional footage not seen in either of the trailers.

For more 'Kong' news, video downloads, original articles, and interviews, head over to Kong is King.net and track the status of the film's remaining production period. It really looks like 'King Kong' might be THE movie of the year!
Images © 2005 Universal Studios.