From Today In Science History:

The Billings medal, named in his honour, is awarded annually by the
Paleontology Division of the Geological Association of Canada as a means of recognizing the most outstanding of its paleontologists, those, who through unique and/or sustained contributions, have brought recognition to the science of paleontology in this country.
However, the working habits of some palaeontologists don't always mesh with those of their bosses, to wit:
On April 27, 1869, the Director of the GSC, Sir William Logan wrote this curt note to the paleontologist Elkanah Billings: "Your constant absence from the office is a worrying annoyance, particularly as I have reason to suspect that it does not arrive from rheumatism".Growing up in Ottawa the Billings Estate was close to my home. During my undergraduate days I would walk by the estate everyday on my way to school.
For more info on Billings click HERE.
Click HERE for more information on the Geological Association of Canada.
Portrait of Elkanah Billings GSC photo 69323 (c)