Thursday February 11:
John Avise Seminar
"Inside the Human Genome: A Case for Non-Intelligent Design"
DeGrace Hall 312 4:15pm

John Avise is a world renowned biologist and author, and professor at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Avise's laboratory conducts research using genetic markers to analyze the evolution of wild animals, from micro- to macro-evolutionary dynamics, phylogeography, speciation, systematics, and phylogenetics. The primary goal is to unveil ecological, behavioral, or evolutionary features of the organisms themselves; an important secondary concern is to elucidate molecular and evolutionary properties of protein and DNA molecules."Inside the Human Genome: A Case for Non-Intelligent Design"
DeGrace Hall 312 4:15pm

Friday February 12:
Phylogenetics Seminars
Wolstein Auditorium Wolstein Research Building
9:00am - Speaker: Helen Piontkivska Wolstein Auditorium Wolstein Research Building
10:00am - Speaker: Rich Glor
11:30am - Speaker: Philip Gingerich
1:30pm - Speaker: John Avise
Saturday February 13: