I`ve got a limited amount of time before I head over to Mongolia, but I wanted to post a few photos before I left.

A crew works the `Foremost Hadrosaur`.

David Evans pedestals the Foremost Hadrosaur

Another view of the spectacular Milk River badlands.

Fording the river to get to the 4most hadrosaur.

The field crew at the end of week 3.
Back row (L to R): Nick Campione (UofT), David Evans (ROM-UofT), Me (CMNH), Ian Morrison (ROM), Derek Larson (UofA), Jaime Boyle (CASE), Ryan Schott (UofT), Calib Brown(UofC), Nick Longrich(UofC), Cecil Nesmo.
Front row (L to R): Wendy Sloboda, Bregita Petro (UofT), Evan Scott (CASE), Vern (The Crocodile Man) Lewis (UofT), Robin Sissons (UofA), Mike Densmore (Harvard), and Ace Tech David Lloyd (RTMP; who took all these photos!).
Other folks who joined us over the 4 weeks included Dave Eberth (RTMP), Jill Gallimore (UofT), Tristan Birkemeier (Wyo Dino Ctr), plus a few that I`m sure I`ve forgotten.

The `dump`hadrosaur ready to flip. This duck-bill was 1st shown to Wann Langston, Jr., sometime in the early 60`s. The ROM`s Ian Morrison was in charge of this quarry.
The block flipped beautifully thanks to help from Kevin Kruger and Wendy`s husband, Keith. Unfortunately, the winches on their trucks could not handle the 4-5 ton block.
Our hero! Fortunately a rigging crew in the area lent us a hand and pulled the block up to praire level for us.

One of the rig crew helps oversee the pull.

Helping the block along. That`s Kevin K. in the foreground.

The block ready to be transported.