Scientists are filming alligators as they trot along treadmills and pigeons on the fly in wind tunnels. But rather than a view of flesh and muscles, a “This will be like having X-ray vision—you'll be able to see through skin and muscle and watch a skeleton move in 3-D," said lead scientist Elizabeth Brainerd of Brown University. “Imagine animated X-ray movies of flying bats or flexing knees."Click HERE to watch a pig walk.
Speaking of Steve reminds me of this photo I've had kicking around for a while. Taken at the end of the 1985 field season in DPP, this motley crew includes Steve Gatesy (center, back row with the unruly head of hair), me beside him, Don Brinkman from the RTMP (keeling, far right, 2nd row), and Per Ahlberg on the ground in front. Where are they all now I wonder?