Comic Book Legal Defense Fund art © Mark Schultz
Our good friend Chad over at the excellent Digital Dream Machine Blog has posted a two-part interview with Mark Schultz HERE. Well worth a read.For everyone paying attention I am now back from my extended summer field work including the past two months in Mongolia. But I'm not quite back in Cleveland yet. When I touched down on NA soil last week I immediately flew to Ottawa to deal with a family emergency. So, my apologies to everyone I've not got in touch with or owe e-mails to--most of my time has been waiting in hospital rooms or shuttling back and forth between various offices. I have squeezed in time to give a lecture to the Biogeography class at Carleton U. and do some footwork for the SVP field trip that I'm co-leading in a week and a bit, but I'm more or less limited in e-mail/internet access for the next little while.